Heteroteuthis dagamensis
Michael Vecchione, Richard E. Young, and Clyde F. E. RoperIntroduction
Two species of Heteroteuthis have been described from the South Pacific. H. serventyi Allan, 1945, was taken near Jarvis Bay, S.E. New South Wales, Australia at 35.1°S, 150.9°E and the holotype is small (7 mm ML) and apparently a female. H. hawaiiensis dagamensis Robson, 1924 (elevated to specific level by Nesis 1982/87), was captured off the Natal coast, South Africa, and the syntypes are large (19, 21 mm ML) but also female. The distinctive feature that separates this species from H. dispar/H. hawaiiensis is found in the male. We have seen specimens from near the type locality of both species. Since H. dagamensis has priority, and since we assume that only one species is found in these waters, we accept this as the correct species name.
- Arms
- Male
- Right arms I and II hectocotylized: Arms longer than left counterparts, with deep joining membrand and swollen marginal membranes on proximal half of both arms with pores and internal white glandular masses. Proximal ventral bilobed projection of right arm I overlaps base of right arm II. Large gland between these arms opens between lobes.
- Males with few greatly enlarged suckers in the dorsal sucker series on arms III: Sucker 10 about 4-5 times diameter of sucker 9; enlarged suckers of dorsl series much larger than counterparts in ventral series but latter still enlarged.
- Arms IV with 3-4 sucker series near tips of arms.
- Female
- Arms I and II with bare arm tips.
- Arms IV with 2 sucker series at arm tips.
- Arms I and II with bare arm tips.
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new windowFigure. Oral view of the arms of H. dagamensis 19 mm ML, male Left - Full arm crown. Note that right arms I and II are folded dorsally. Right - Dorsal view of the head showing the distal region of right arms I and II. Photographs by R. Young.
- Male
More details of the description of H. dagamensis can be found here.
At present the only character that distinguishes H. dagamensis from H. dispar/hawaiiensis is the arrangement of large suckers on arms III of males. We have not made detailed comparisons of these species to search for additional characters. The description presented here is made from notes taken many years ago.
Type locality - Off the Natal coast, South Africa. The specimen we photographed came from the South Atlantic off South Africa at 36°S,11°E and off South America at 37°S, 53°W. The specimen drawn came from off New Zealand at 40.1°S, 168.1°E.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Heteroteuthis dagamensis |
Location | Off New Zealand, 40°04'S, 168°03'E |
Creator | Allan Hart |
Sex | Male |
Life Cycle Stage | Mature |
View | Side |
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Scientific Name | Heteroteuthis dagamensis |
Location | South Atlantic at 36°S,11°E |
Specimen Condition | Preserved |
Sex | Male |
View | Side |
Size | 19 mm ML |
Collection | USNM 884292 |
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National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., USA
Page copyright © 2017 , , and
Page: Tree of Life
Heteroteuthis dagamensis
Authored by
. Michael Vecchione, Richard E. Young, and Clyde F. E. Roper.
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- First online 26 December 2007
- Content changed 03 November 2013
Citing this page:
Vecchione, Michael, Richard E. Young, and Clyde F. E. Roper. 2013. Heteroteuthis dagamensis http://tolweb.org/Heteroteuthis_dagamensis/20053/2013.11.03 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 03 November 2013 (under construction).