Cephalopoda Glossary: Cirrate Male Reproductive Tract
Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione and Katharina Mangold

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Figure. Two views of the male reproductive tract of Cirroctopus glacialis. Photographs taken by R. Young.

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Figure. Views of different portions of the reproductive tract that have been cut open to show the different thicknesses of the glandular tissues. The spermatophore gland III in the lower left has had all spermatophores removed. The collasped portion of Needham's sac (upper right image) is not visible the the above photographs of the intact reproductive tract. The blue tint is due to staining with methylene blue. Photographs taken by R. Young.
About This Page
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003)
Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls-Sur-Mer, France
Page copyright © 2002 , , and Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003)
Page: Tree of Life
Cirrate Male Reproductive Tract Photographs
Authored by
Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione, and Katharina M. Mangold (1922-2003).
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