Figure. Ventral view of Mg. magna, holotype,160 mm ML. Drawing from Joubin (1920).
This description is from the english translation of Joubin's 1920 paper rather than the 1913 paper which was the original description. Presumably this description of the holotype is virtually the same as the earlier version.
- Arms
- Arm suckers with smooth inner rings.
- Arm IV with 55+ pairs of suckers; arm III with 56 pairs; arm II with 60+ pairs, arm I with 68 pairs.
- Arm suckers increase in size from base to sucker pair 12 or 13; next 15 pairs same size, then size diminishes to tip.
Figure. Side and oral views of arms suckers of Mg. magna, holotype. Drawing from Joubin(1920).
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Figure. Ventral view of the brachial crown of Mg. magna, holotype, showing the how sucker size varies along the lengths of the arms. Drawing from Joubin (1920).
- Arm suckers with smooth inner rings.
- Tentacles
- Club length 80% of tentacle length.
- Proximally suckers in narrow band that gradually broadens; at mid-club suckers cover 3/4 of tentacle circumference.
- Club suckers minute with smooth inner rings.
- Funnel
- Mantle component of the funnel locking-apparatus a "rectilinear ridge narrow anteriorly and slightly wider posteriorly".
- Funnel component an "auricular-like groove".
- Mantle
- Skin tubercules absent from mantle and elsewhere.
- Skin tubercules absent from mantle and elsewhere.
- Fins
- Fin length (without tail) 66% of ML.
- Fin width 79% of ML (without tail); assumming (and including) a 20 mm tail the FW becomes 71% of ML
- Fin width 120% of fin length (without tail).
- Measurements
Source Joubin, 1920 Sex Unknown Mantle length 160 Mantle width 54 Head length 42 Head width 43 Fin length 105 (without tail) Fin width 127 Arm I, length 80 Arm II, length 105 Arm III, length 82 Arm IV, length 172 Arm I, sucker no. 135 Arm II, sucker no. 120+ Arm III, sucker no. 112 Arm IV, sucker no. 109 Tentacle length 480 Club length 390
This description is taken from Joubin (1920).