Michel Laurin

My initial research topic was systematic paleontology of Paleozoic and Triassic tetrapods. I have studied the origin of lissamphibians, amniotes, turtles, extant diapsids, and therapsids, as well as the evolution of the middle ear, vertebral centrum, osmotic tolerance and the habitat of early tetrapods, etc. More recently, I have started working on comparative biology and paleobiology. In this field, I am tackling the problem of the conquest of land by vertebrates using paleohistological data and large databases of histological data on extant tetrapods.
Contributor Type: | Scientific Core Contributor |
Institution: | Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France |
Assigned Groups: | Dinosauria, Terrestrial_Vertebrates, and Mammalia |
Email: | |
Webpage: | http://www2.mnhn.fr/hdt203/info/laurin.php |
Published Tree of Life Pages: | View pages |
Tree of Life Media Files: | View media |
Contributor ID: | 489 |