What are Emperor Penguins?
Emperor Penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) are aquatic birds that live in Antarctica. These birds cannot fly but they are very good swimmers. They eat fish, squid, and krill (a small shrimp-like animal). These birds are most famous for their black and white colors and their waddle. They are also famous for their long and ancient mating ritual which this game is based on.
Here are 10 interesting facts about Emperor Penguins:
- A grown-up male Emperor Penguin can weigh up to 90 pounds and a grown-up female Emperor Penguin can weigh up to 70 pounds.
- Emperor Penguins can grow up to be four feet tall.
- Most Emperor Penguins can live to be 20 years old.
- Every winter the female Emperor Penguin lays only one egg.
- Baby Emperor Penguins are called chicks, and when the chicks grow older they form groups called "crèches".
- Emperor Penguins survive the cold temperatures of Antarctica by huddling together.
- Emperor Penguins can dive as deep as 1,750 feet in the frigid waters of the ocean.
- Emperor Penguins live in colonies that can be very far away from the ocean waters, such as 50 miles away.
- When Emperor Penguins travel for food they can travel up to 870 miles in one single trip.
- Because Emperor Penguins are clumsy on their webbed feet they can also slide on their stomach at 4-5 mph.
Emperor Penguin Feathers and Reproduction
Emperor Penguin Feathers
- Emperor Penguins have shiny and waterproof feathers.
- Their feathers keep their skin dry
- Emperor Penguins have more feathers than most birds (they have about 70 feathers per square inch)
- Each year the Emperor Penguins molt their feathers, this means they lose old ones and grow new ones.
Emperor Penguin Reproduction
- The female Emperor Penguin lays one egg and then she leaves to the sea in search of food
- The male takes and incubates the egg and keeps it balanced on its feet and encased by a pouch in his stomach.
- The pouch is called a "brood pouch" and the egg remains here for 72 days (during the coldest part of the winter)
- When the chick is born the male Emperor Penguin feeds the chick "milk" that is produced in the penguin's neck.
- By the end of the reproductive process the male Emperor Penguin will have lost half of its body weight.
What Do I Need To Do To Play the Emperor Penguin Board Game?
- A pair of scissors (to cut out the cards)
- The printable question cards
- The printable board game
- Read the Directions
Game Board

© emperor1 Click on "image info" to get a large size of the game board that you can print out.
- First you assemble the game by printing and cutting out the questions and the board (2 pages). When you cut, cut out each question and answer seperately.
- Then you assemble them and put the question cards in the appropriate place on the board.
- For pieces you can use dice, the pictures on the website, or pieces from other games that are different in any way, shape, or form.
- Have your opponent ask you questions and they will tell you if you answer correctly.
- Every time you answer a question correctly you get to move to the next box that requires a question to be answered. The first person to finish wins. Good Luck and have fun!
Printable Question Cards
Where do Emperor Penguins Live?
Answer: Antarctica
| Question
What color are Emperor Penguins?
Answer: Black and white (they also have a little orange as well) | Question
Which Emperor Penguin lays the egg: the male or the Female?
Answer: the female | Question
What is a baby Emperor Penguin called?
Answer: a chick |
Which parent stays with the chick for most of the winter?
Answer: the male | Question
Do Emperor Penguins have feathers?
Answer: Yes | Question
Do Emperor Penguins swim?
Answer: Yes | Question
Do Emperor Penguins have webbed feet?
Answer: Yes |
Can Emperor Penguins Fly?
Answer: No | Question
What do Emperor Penguins eat?
Answer: fish and squid | Question
How do Emperor Penguins stay warm?
Answer: they huddle together | Question
How tall can an Emperor Penguin become?
Answer: 4 feet tall |
Can Emperor Penguins slide on their stomachs?
Answer: Yes | Question
Are Emperor Penguin feathers waterproof?
Answer: Yes | Question
How many eggs the female Emperor Penguin lay each winter?
Answer: one egg | Question
Do Emperor Penguins ever leave the water?
Answer: Yes
Anna - The game was so fun, it was like learning and playing a fun game at the same time. I liked the drawings the most.
Andrew - It was an interesting game, you don't see a lot like them, I enjoyed it very much.
Sam - The board game was very colorful and it seemed to catch my eye, I was excited to play it. I also learned so much about the lives of penguins and how they live.
Kurt - Not many games are out that have penguins involved in them, so this game was probably a first. I loved learning about the penguins, only becuase I actually love reading about animals. Penguins have always been my favorite, and "The March of the Penguins", was a favorite movie of mine. This game is definetly fun and interesting!